Thursday, June 1, 2017

Trump Hands the Chinese a Gift:

Trump Hands the Chinese a Gift: The Chance for Global Leadership - The New York Times

 From the Trans Pacific Partnership to allowing the Chinese to assume
global prominence in a few short months. People decried the negative
aspects of the TPP which were largely imaginary but failed to have the
insight into the real purpose of the partnership. The containment of
the Chinese Expansion. The withdrawal today of the United States from
the Climate Change Accord has the potential to relegate the United
States to a second class power in solar, wind and other alternative
energy sources. The President has revealed a wish to be like the great
steel and oil barons of the 19th century by clinging to outdated and
doomed technology. The hope is that the market forces have begun to
change in such a magnitude so as to make it impossible to totally
retreat. A sad day for the United States.