My wife, who is an inveterate worrier,
remarked to me this morning how the life of birds is so simple. I
think she may have been comparing her worries to that of the birds
feasting at my bird feeders. Anyway, I responded that, yes, all they
had to worry about was food and procreation. It seems like an ideal
life but I remind you that if anyone you knew did the same you might
not have flattering things to say about them. So, I took the
opportunity to philosophize a bit and set off on a discourse on how
we, humans, were once as the birds, seeking only food, shelter and
procreation. Then as we began to find ways to feed ourselves more
than abundantly our brains became free to engage in more far reaching
concepts such as tool making which made our lives even easier freeing
up more brain space for more esoteric endeavors such as art.
Now, I told her, we were at a critical
juncture because we had a choice. Either keep life simple or move on
into the brave new world. Sometimes I'm not sure we made the right
decision and maybe should have taken the road the chimpanzees did but
we didn't know then what we know now and so off to the adventure we
went. What happened was that we found that by living in communities
we could share the work load and live life large. What could go
wrong? Right?
But now we had a small group of people
with pretty basic needs but someone decides that it is way easier to
allow someone else to do the work and just take his stuff away from
him. He decides that about procreation also creating ill feelings
among the people in the group who really didn't like that person
taking their stuff and sneaking around when they were out hunting and
That is when a more advanced person
came up with the idea that we should have a set of rules that told us
what we could and could not do and if anyone broke the rules then the
rest of the people would make him wish he hadn't. Pretty simple,
right? What could go wrong?
Then they had to decide who would
decide when the rules were broken and what was to be done about it.
So, they had a choice to make. Now, remember, this is way before
democracy so the strongest guy and some buddies decided they would be
the right ones to do this. The rest of the people were kind of OK
with that until some of the strongest guy's buddies decided they
should get a larger share of the booty and, by the way, a larger
share of the booty, also.
This is about where we find ourselves
today. Oh, we've accumulated more stuff and ways to get stuff. We
have lifted this ancient compulsion to a fine art. We've created
more and more cultural groups etc. that have their own sets of rules
and we are still searching for the one ring to rule them all. I
mean, one set of rules that everyone can agree on so we'll stop
trying to take away the other group's stuff.
So, I told my wife, here we are with
our big brains and lots of rules that philosophers figured out by
starting with the natural man (who was like the birds) who just took
what he needed to survive and working their way up to our complex
societies and all kinds of art, some of which most people even
understood. Along the way the different philosophers thought about
the different ways people could try to make rules and decide who is
obeying and who is not. We now call this governing but I think that
may be a charitable assessment.
Some of the philosophers called
themselves libertarians since they thought that people should be free
to gain whatever they could and not have to share it with others.
This is probably the closest to pure humanism of any of the prevalent
philosophies today.
Others called themselves socialists and
thought that the very best of humanity could be only achieved by
appealing to our higher calling and sharing all things equally.
Well, sort of, because a lot of the time the strong guy and his
buddies still thought they deserved more and the lazy people really
couldn't see much point in working hard.
Some were capitalists who thought sort
of like the libertarians but they could see how it didn't look good
to have people begging for bread and dying in the streets so they
felt like they could kick in a little to keep themselves from feeling
too guilty.
So, then the rule makers (we can call
them governors or some such thing) thought maybe we could take some
ideas from one group and some from another and create something that
didn't seem so stark and brutal. The philosophers thought long and
hard on that one and came up with all sorts of ideas. Kingdoms,
Religious Orders, Oligarchy and so on but for some the idea called
democracy seemed like a good idea. This way the people could decide
who would make the rules and who would enforce them and everyone
would be happy.
I looked over and my wife's eyes had
glazed over and she had this look on her face like WILL HE EVER SHUT
UP? I agreed with her that the birds that we feed at our feeders do
indeed have it made.
My Take is that sometimes you have to
gauge your audience when choosing to pontificate.
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