Friday, February 17, 2017

Rise to Resist

The Resistance has formed a couple of local groups of which I am aware. As far as I can tell they are populated largely by women. This is understandable since it was the women who took up the cause and forged a way to national consciousness with the Women's March on Washington the day after the inauguration. The numbers and the timing were splendid for effect. We are seeing reports that Republican representatives are not holding town hall meetings during their off time for fear of encountering these members of the resistance that have questions that demand answers. But what I have to tell you is this. Unless the men become as involved as the women there will be no overall success. Men have to get up off the couch and give the women some support. It is vital that the resistance be visible and vocal in order to attract attention and supporters who have not become aware of these opportunities. In addition, there needs to be more effort to recruit more youth. It is from the youth that energy, vigor and idealism comes. This has to be a national movement that involves people from Somerset to Los Angeles. This is no time to be timid.

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