Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Road Ahead

Romney Readies for Longer Battle -

the Gingrich win in South Carolina should come as no surprise to anyone. The political makeup of that state practically guaranteed a win. It is not only a very conservative state, remember that a 150 years ago it was South Carolina that fired the first shot to begin the civil war. In addition, it is a very evangelically religious state. What is not being said out loud is that mainstream Christians have taught for decades that Mormonism is not Christian and these people are not going to vote for someone who is not Christian. Evangelicals are more than willing if it suits them to rely on the doctrine of grace and forgiveness to accommodate character faults.

Santorum does not have enough gravitas to win in the South and by the time the campaigns reach the West it will be a two man race.

The chewing out of the moderator at the debate was red meat for this crowd. Nothing works quite like putting those elite news media snobs in their place. Being from the state next door Gingrich understands that.

He will run well in Florida, too. But in the general election he or Romney will have to tack to the center to carry the AARP crowd. They like their national health care. Once the campaign moves to the West Romney will once again shine and will cruise to the nomination. The real question is whether or not the Republicans will hold their nose and vote for him.

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