Saturday, April 28, 2012

My Take-a daily dose of opinion: How Long, Oh, Lord?

My Take-a daily dose of opinion: How Long, Oh, Lord?: Paul Krugman's Prescription For A 'Depression' : NPR Conservatives demonize Krugman but he is a Nobel Laureate in this field.  Last week another economist wrote that Europe was falling into another recession due to its austerity measures.  Krugman makes the point that when some of us were worried about soaring deficits with unfunded wars and tax cuts those who are now crying out were saying deficits don't matter.  The Obama haters, among which you will find some true conservatives, really don't care as long as Obama is out of the White House.

Fact of the matter is that prosperity is created by a middle class that creates demand.  Present policies encourage inequality that depresses the middle class.

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