Sunday, January 6, 2013

In Defense of Hagel

Obama to nominate Chuck Hagel for defense secretary, source says - The Washington Post

Hagel would be an excellent choice for this post but the reasons that I like him are the very ones that may give him the most trouble in confirmation hearings.  He has a balanced approach toward Israel and does not generally support adventurous military excursions, a position not in favor among members of his own party and the Jewish lobby.  At a time when decisions are going to have to be made about trimming the bloated defense department budget he is an advocate of a smaller, more nimble military.

Of course, it is no secret that anybody sent to the Hill for confirmation by this President will be challenged.  It used to be that the President was afforded the right to name his team as long as they met generally accepted standards such as criminal proceedings or radical associations.  Not the case any longer.

Hagel is a Republican and served in the Senate from Nebraska where he has garnered praise for being willing to work across the aisle, a trait not universally admired these days.

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