Thursday, December 18, 2014

Who Can Help?

It is disheartening, the ongoing struggle of our daughter to receive care for a chronic, long-term back problem. Everyone has their own cross to bear but you may recall that a few months ago Yvonne was to have had a much needed surgery to relieve nerve compression in her cervical spine. She had been jumping through hoops with Coventry (does not) Cares and was within days of the surgery when they demanded another hoop and her doctor quit accepting Coventry Cares (not) because they would not allow him to treat his patients. She was once again thrown into the morass of medical limbo to find another doctor who would treat her. She has debilitating pain each and every day. It never ends but the regulations that the state and DEA have foisted upon us have doctors afraid to treat pain. She finally got another appointment for today. The doctor told her that since she has a neural stimulator she should not need further treatment and that he was not going to accept Coventry Cares (no it doesn't) any longer. This is how our state Medicaid program is run. Kentucky contracted with private companies to deliver health care in order to save money. How can you hire a middle man and save money? No-Brainer. By denying care and people suffer. Yvonne has jumped through these hoops so long that hope is ephemeral, help is available but inaccessible because of the bottom line of Coventry Cares (nope). I just needed to tell you about this, you may not be aware if you are not a chronic pain sufferer but you need to know. But on a more positive note, if you are aware of any doctors that can either manage chronic pain or who could even do the surgery and who is not scared to death of the DEA and frustrated with Coventry Cares (fiction) please let me know. We would like to give up but we can't.

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