Saturday, June 25, 2011


Pablum for the People

In any community the fate of the government rests in the hands of the people. Either by their action or by their inaction they make choices that determine the direction that their government takes. If the people go to the polls or make their wishes known by some other method then government will take the direction the majority of them wish. If a substantial number of the people stay home and don't vote or acquiesce by their silence then they will get government that is not responsive to their wishes.

Here in Pulaski County we are not much worse than the rest of the nation in our percentage of voters who actually make the trek to the precinct voting place to make our wishes known. However, we are much worse than other communities in our acquiescence by silence. And the powers that be know that and they depend on it in order to maintain the status quo. They either accept it or suppose it to mean that the community is satisfied with their performance. I'm not saying that we have worse representation or facilities than other people. I saying that it is not as good as it could be and it is our own fault for not demanding better.

Every day we see on the news people who are dying to express their wishes. They would love to have the power to vote on their future but, absent that, they have taken to the streets, risking their very lives, to voice their dissatisfaction. It should cause us to feel shame.

I go to a lot of houses and talk with a lot of people. I hear complements and disagreement but I have never heard anyone tell me to quit talking about these things. Truthfully, it would do no good because otherwise I would explode from keeping it bottled up. I am grateful to the Commonwealth-Journal for an opportunity to engage in this love of mine and I try to not abuse it. My goal is to generate discussion on topics that impact our lives and on which we should have an opinion to share.

I have lots of friends who disagree with me politically and I meet a lot of people who don't and are appreciative of seeing their viewpoint see the light of day. I have managed to get along with all of them regardless of political persuasion because there is no need for being contentious.

I am vitally interested in our local government and how it prepares our county and cities to meet the future. I am upset when I believe that the common person is being disregarded or taken advantage of. Our Fathers were acutely aware of the need for an engaged populace in the survival of the republic.

Whether or not the local tax dollars are being used efficiently has a direct effect on the tax rate and the services offered to the people. It is the duty of every citizen to try to be informed on these matters but it is a sorry fact that most just don't much care until something impacts their lives. It is a truth that most of us are running as hard as we can to make ends meet and we just don't have the energy.

The vision our leaders have for our county and cities is of vital importance if we are to take part in the benefits of living in a free society. The alternative is to slowly sink to the level that will not allow us to be prosperous except for the few. You've heard the old adage, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” and there is truth in that. Do you want some of the grease? I do but I am not going to get it with my mouth closed and standing alone. It is only by speaking out and joining together that we get any of the grease. If we are indolent then it is assumed that we are OK with how things are going. I'm not and you shouldn’t be either.

One of the topics I find almost universal agreement on is our local hospital. I have heard enough anecdotal accounts to write a book but I received only a couple of letters about the column I wrote. I expected more. The CEO responded in the paper and I am glad he did. It shows that he is on the ball to defend his institution. I have no personal enmity toward him but, in my opinion, he simply restated the same old pablum we have been offered in years past. No solid food, just baby food. LCRMC and its parent company, LifePoint Hospitals, are very powerful entities and know a lot of powerful people. They will not be induced to do things differently unless equal power is brought to bear. The only ones who have that power are you, the people. This is true with all efforts to speak truth to power.

So, I repeat my request for verifiable accounts of either satisfaction or dissatisfaction with LCRMC. It us up to you to answer.

My take is that most people are too reticent or just plain, old disengaged. Symptoms that do not make for healthy government.

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