Friday, November 30, 2012

Israel v Palestine--Our Biggest Security Issue

Israel Plans To Expand Settlements In East Jerusalem, West Bank : The Two-Way : NPR

There is no issue in the world today as critical to the security of the United States as the ongoing coflict between Israel and the Palestinian desire for statehood.  This article shows how this recent insertion of development into Palestinian territory prevents Palestine from developing contiguous settlements.  Of course, this makes it more difficult to establish a cohesive nation and that may be the goal of Israeli policy

There is no other place in the world that the United States would suffer this to happen without exerting all manner of pressure to bring it to a close.  If we, the United States, ever hope for peace with the Middle Eastern nations then this issue must be brought to an equitable and sane resolution.  We cannot continue the policy of allowing Israel to dictate our foreign policy in the Middle East.

Settlement in Palestine
For those interested this is a link to a PDF that shows the development of settlements in Palestinian controlled areas since the formation of the Israeli nation.

Acknowledging the political pressures in such an action we, nevertheless, must begin to bring more pressure on the Israeli government to recognize the Palestinian state on the West Bank.  We may continue to have problems with Hamas in Gaza but a prosperous and secure state on the West Bank would do more than any other thing to foster a government in Gaza that would reject terrorism and constant battle as a political solution.

We have a large population in our country that sees unwavering, unquestioning support of Israel as an unchanging part of our commitment to Israel and the world but the people could be better educated on the benefits of peace in the Middle East.

Finally, there are religious issues embedded in this relationship but they should not have a bearing on our desire for evenhanded treatment of all parties in the Middle Eastern relationship.

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