Tuesday, July 29, 2014

World Opinion is Changing

Why It Matters That Norman Finkelstein Just Got Arrested Outside the Israeli Consulate | The Nation

Whatever your inclination in this matter the longer Israel continues the assault on Gaza the more that nation becomes isolated by world opinion.  That matters because it is only the United States that stands between Israel and the recriminations of the rest of the world.  There are no pure participants in this conflict.  Neither Hamas nor Israel can claim to hold the high ground but the comparative damage to Gaza is horrifying to see.  The devastation and toll on humanity is winning no friends for Israel and world opinion is rapidly shifting.

So, what can Israel do to get out of this mess without allowing Hamas to retain the capability to attack with rockets and by the way of tunnels.  Well, short of unconditional surrender there have to be concessions on both sides.  However, Israel has the upper hand and the most room for being gracious if there is any inclination to do so.  Israel has suffered no deaths from the rocket fire while the Palestinians have suffered hundreds.  There is no proportional response.

Israel could maintain occupation of Gaza for several days and enter intense negotiations with the government of Gaza and the West Bank to reach a deal that can be lived with.  Preferably it would be moderated either by Secretary of State Kerry or, perhaps, former President Jimmy Carter.

Doing nothing carries the most danger.  The children growing up under the blockade of Gaza and the killing by the Israelis will be more radicalized and ready to take up arms against their hated enemy.  The burden must fall on the party most able to bear it.

The US has a large interest in the outcome.  By supporting Israel much of the same hatred of Israel is directed at the United States.  The Israeli/Palestinian conflict is at the center of the radical Islam that threatens our own homes.  If the US withholds enthusiastic support Israel will be forced into negotiation.  Much longer and the world will express its indignation in a more palpable way.

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