Thursday, April 21, 2011

Libya U.S. drones: U.S. begins using Predator drones in Libya -

Libya U.S. drones: U.S. begins using Predator drones in Libya - "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Not a good idea and here is why.  This is essentially a civil war in which we and NATO intervened to avert a bloodbath when the government forces caught up with the rebels.  As unfortunate as it seems that is one of the possible consequences of rebellion.  Egypt, Tunisia or any of the others could have used the armed forces to put down the rebellions but did not.  Syria is on the verge of it.  Bahrain, who we support, is using armed forces.  The deeper we are drawn into this conflict the more demanding it will be and the more resources it will demand.  All situations are not equal and demand different responses.

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