Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Right to work is the right to be paid less.

Indiana Joins Right-to-Work Ranks, Gov. Signs Bill - ABC News

This is a sad story for worker's rights and a successful middle class. Will it take another depression for people to understand the advantages of organizing. One would think that people could look at the economic disparities and conclude that even now.


  1. People who think we need to go back to the days before unions haven't read very much American history. They might want to begin by reading about the Triangle factory fire in New York. Unions have been the driving force in bringing about safety standards for workers and that is a small part of what they have accomplished to help workers have a better life. Sadly, it often does take tragedy to bring about positive change.

  2. It seems that people have forgotten that every positive change for the middle class and the american worker came through union organizing. Big Business will not care one whit about the individual. Thanks for your comments.
