Thursday, May 10, 2012

TJ's Garden

Thomas Jefferson's Vegetable Garden: A Thing Of Beauty And Science : The Salt : NPR

I had long wanted to visit Monticello not only because of my respect for Thomas Jefferson but because I am an avid hobby gardener.  Juanita and I went there on a long labor day weekend trip up through the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Indeed, the entire property was a magical thing but his gardens were the life's work of a crop scientist.

Jefferson was a product of the enlightenment but was a man of contradictions who often lacked the will to live by his own convictions.  His writings indicate that he knew of the vileness of slavery but lacked the courage to try to live without them.  Even in his Presidency he proved to be feckless to his philosophy of states rights and a decentralized government when he purchased the Louisiana Purchase area from France by executive action.  In one swoop he more than doubled the size of the existing fledgling republic.

This link will take you to some photos of his garden which are beautiful.  But, if I could have someone else do the work and allow me to watch and take notes then perhaps mine would be beautiful too.

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