Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Janie's got a gun.

U.S.-Approved Weapons Transfer Ended Up With Libyan Jihadis -

A certain militaristic element in our society has howled for the United States to directly supply armaments to the Syrian rebels but the administration has wisely been reluctant to do so.  The reason for this is clearly shown in this article in which it is revealed that arms provided to the Libyans for their overthrow of Qadaffi have found their way into Islamist hands.  The potential for this is even greater in Syria where much of the fighting force for the rebels is aligned with Al Qaeda.  This also poses a critical problem for the United States when it comes to who will gain control of the chemical and biological stockpiles belonging to the Assad government.

Even as we speak the Qataris are supplying the Jihadists with weapons in Syria.  They did so in Libya and are an arms supplier to Hamas.  Oh yes, they are considered an ally of the United States.

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